Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Famous Lecturer of Revival, Who Could Cure Even Cancer, Follows the Word to Shinchonji

(This is a story sent by a member of John Tribe.)

At the age of 7, I started a life of faith and despite the persecution I received from my parents and mother-in-law along the way, I remained faithful. I married into a family who believed in Buddhism and raised four children. I am at the age of 43 with a husband who has become unconscious due to an accident. Then a year later, as I was praying at the OOO Praying Center, I heard a voice saying, “You are a servant of God.”

Then one day, a woman deacon I knew, carrying $500 in cash and a gold necklace in her hands, said,
“I came because I received your heart during a prayer.” I was going to OOO Church at the time, but I
decided to study Theology at OO University because the church didn’t allow woman to be ordained as a pastor.

I would study the Bible so hard that I slept no more than two hours a day, and everyday, I would give
service. I completed four years of high school and two years of college, a total of six years of studying. Even when I just graduated, it didn’t take long for me to establish a church in the city of Seoul.

Then one day, I saw a vision during a prayer at OOO Praying Center and since then, I received a gift of divine healing. When a revival service was held, there was a miracle where a cripple stood up and walked. Rumors spread and at once, the church became chaos. After that, I went to Cheong-ryangri OO Church as a revival pastor.

The rumor about the gift of divine healing spread like so fast that it caused a revival.
When I prayed for those suffering from cancer, blood was shed and they were completely cured.
Conscientiously, I didn’t accept payment from patients I treated and compensation from churches that
were under poor circumstances.

One day, as I went down from the podium and put my shoes on after finishing a revival service, suddenly, “God, did I teach according to the Bible? I don’t think I did. I’m not sure if I’m saving souls or killing them,” popped in my head. To be honest, I was a mute and a blind pastor. I was just carrying out my role in breathing air into rubber balloons, but that’s just the end of the balloon when they go flat. I was suddenly filled with the guiltiness of not providing proper food for the spirits of the congregation members.

Since then, a year has passed and a member, who was enjoyed my lectures, suggested that I join a Bible study. I was one who read the Bible at least 33 times, but because of the unexplainable stinging of my conscience and the need to know God more, I decided to do the study.

I started the Shinchonji Biblle study in the middle of preparing an essay for a Doctor’s Degree.
My instructor would always take things that were not from the Bible, so I had to write down each word; however, Shinchonji Zion Christian Center was a place that taught only according to the Bible.

The Book of Prophecy was something that could not be understood no matter how many times you read it, but I was overjoyed that they could explain it to me so I could understand easily.
‘Apostle Paul considered everything he had as garbage, so I must to the same. If I carried out a life of faith of a child before, from now on, I will carry out a life of faith as a mature believer.

It didn’t bother me that they were accused of being a cult. At first, what I had in mind was, “I will go back to my church with the words that I have learned and become a pastor that is best at lectures.’ However, as I continued to learn, I thought, ‘Whether I live or die, I must stay here’ and decided to study harder.

My instructor who has a Doctor’s Degree was famous throughout the nation. I asked him to explain to me what the 666 in Revelation 13 was, but then he answered, “It’s a human clone.” I would look everywhere for human clone in the Bible but could never find it.

From then on, I considered everything, such as the gift of divine
healing as garbage, and decided to put my trust only in the 66 book of the Bible.
I was wealthy when I was a pastor. I received many offerings and compensations, thus was financially abundant. However, I never received compensation while studying at Shinchonji.

However, I thought to myself that hardships such as these were the path of a true believer. During my
pastoral duties, I would fast as if I ate and worry too much that I was later on diagnosed with diabetes. I was even told that I had only 6 months to live. But after 6 months since the notification, my body became healthier. I had to get treatments 3 times a week, but instead, I would work harder for God. Even my daughter, who persecuted me for ‘falling into a cult,’ acknowledged that God had saved me.

My life now truly belongs to God.

It’s been 59 years since I believed in Jesus and 6 years since I started a life of faith at Shinchonji. 
I listened to Shinchonji’s words and thought, “How can such in-depth truth come out of here when we’re looking at the same Bible?’ I had the assurance that other churches did not have the word.
Members of the churches today offer all their fortune to their pastors even if it meant making a debt. There is no other place that is clean and pure like Shinchonji. To my fellow pastors, I would like to say, “Come, feel it, look at it, and see for yourself if it really is the cult that everyone says it is.”

This is the place where the word of truth, Revelation has been opened according to God’s will.
At this time when the word of Revelation has opened in 6,000 years, if you don’t know and understand it, it’s a one-way ticket to eternal hell. Those who’ve accused Shinchonji of being a cult are all sinners. Please, I ask you to come and not commit any more sin. This is the place of eternal heaven and life. The place of salvation, New Heaven and New Earth (Rev 21:1), Temple of the Tabernacle of Testimony (Rev 15:5) is Shinchonji.