Sunday, March 17, 2013


Today's topic is 'Who am I ?'

The texts: Gen 1, Jn 1:1-4, Rev 21:6
Who am I (saints), and what era am I living in, according to the Bible?
In the Bible, there was the time of Adam, the time of Noah, and the time of Moses, as well as the time of Jesus’ first coming.
There was the prophecy spoken through Abraham, the prophecies spoken through Old Testament prophets, and the prophecies spoken through Jesus and his disciples.
The prophecy God made through Abraham was fulfilled at the time of Moses; the prophecies God made through the Old Testament prophets was fulfilled at the time of Jesus (Jn 19:30), and the prophecies God made through Jesus and his disciples in the New Testament are fulfilled at the time of Revelation, which is the time of Jesus’ return (Rev 21:6). God fulfills His promises through the people living in each era.
The time I am living in now is 2,000 years since Jesus prophesied the New Promise (Testament). The only thing I have and believe in is the Bible, this one book. I consider this book the food of life, and the path to heaven.
Everyone faces sorrow, pain, mourning, and ultimately death due to the original sin that people are born from and because of this, people cry out loudly. However, God is not in a position to listen to everyone’s personal situations. God must take back the earth He lost because of Adam’s sin, He must resolve the problem of human sin, and must renew all creation, creating the new heaven and new earth.
At the time of the fulfillment of the promised prophecy, God must look after the workers (whether they are men, or angels), and hear their report. Although people say they believe in God, they don’t know God’s will and cry out for things that are only beneficial to them. Do the people know what kind of work God does at the time of the fulfillment of the New Testament?
When God’s objective is accomplished, we – those who believe in God – will also have our hope accomplished. Who am I at the time of the fulfillment of the New Testament? Who am I? Who am I? How much do I know God’s will, act according to His will, and desire salvation and the kingdom of heaven? God’s work is clearly not the work of the world.
I (the writer; the promised pastor) was born as a light of heaven, met a heavenly being, was led by the star, and swore loyalty to God with my blood. After this, I met Jesus who came down from the clouds. I was anointed, and I sent the letters to the seven stars (the 7 messengers of the Tabernacle Temple). I was put in prison for preaching the word.
I have heard and witnessed, in person, the entire events of Revelation, at the place where they were fulfilled. Following the Lord’s will and command, I have traveled the world three times to make these events known. This is because I believe in God and this one book, the Bible.
The Heavenly Culture and Sports event, and everything else that Shinchonji has hosted, was done according to the Bible. The reason the breath I take and the way I think of the word and God, all matches up, is because God and His word are my life. I always remember Mal 2:5-7. In fact all of Malachi chapter 2 (1-17) is always on my mind and never leaves my thoughts.
I continuously pray to correct any faults, and to make the good things even better, so as to give more glory to God. I think of the 6,000 years of filthy and confused history, and remember God’s kingdom and His righteousness. I promise time after time to be the city of truth, justice, and righteousness, and a virtuous king. I pledge this because I, someone who is no better than a worm, can only see Jesus who shed his blood for me. We have seen both angels and humans, those who believed in God and worked hard for God, being led astray.
I was a filthy, empty bowl originally. In order to fill this bowl (heart) with God and life, I wash my heart with the heavenly water, clear as crystal, again and again. You must always protect your own heart.
I am still a child, and immature. I am so worthless in the eyes of man, how would I look in God’s eyes? Would he even remember me? However, I have dedicated my heart to the Lord’s work.
When I am tired, because there are so many things to be done, I want to leave my flesh and fly like a butterfly up to the sky, riding on the clouds, I sing, I dance, I write poems, as if I am flying up to the sky. Lord who came to my silent heart and planted love, I risked my life to build a relationship with my first love, Jesus, whose face I see in the Bible…. ‘Love that is thicker than blood, a betrayer will never know.’ Because of this I remember Jesus’ love, that he was even willing to shed his blood, and I dedicated myself, not to be like physical Israel who forsook their first love, but to establish the kingdom that stands like a rock with an unchanging faith.
The earth is our inheritance. Jesus’ new command is to have an unchanging love, which gives life, like the sky gives it light, rain, and air without discrimination against borders, races, and religions. Therefore, I continue to dedicate myself to keep this command and to establish the kingdom of life, light, and love.
When the representative of the Gwacheon Tabernacle Temple, Mr. Yoo, whose spiritual name was Samson, shouted out “God, please give me the power one more time” after he had betrayed, I saw the tabernacle of the seven stars collapsing on the spot! What good does it do to regret after sinning? The ownership of the Tabernacle Temple was transferred to the Presbyterian church of gentiles, as written in Deut 28. We, who saw this, must establish the eternal kingdom that will never be destroyed, as written in Dan 2:44 and 7:13-14. This will be done through faith. Our hope is God and the kingdom of heaven.
The God of Shinchonji listens to the prayers of the Shinchonji saints. Shinchonji is the promised kingdom, God’s kingdom of heaven, and Shinchonji members are one. Let us love each other.