Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Today's topic is 'Lies, lies, lies…the teachers of lies'

The texts : Genesis 3, John 8:44

What God made known to us through Jesus is, the one who lies which is the Devil, for he is a liar and has been born from the father of lies (Jn 8:44).
They lie to mask themselves and to deceive others. The serpent is the dragon, the Devil, and Satan (Rev12:9, 20:2). Satan pretended God was the liar, and then made his word sound like the truth in Gen 3. He lied to Eve. God said when you eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you will surely die, however, the serpent said,” you will not surely die, instead you will be like God”. The result was Adam and Eve died. Who spoke the truth, and who lied?
From the time of creation until today, people who killed the prophets and Jesus, used lies as a tool to persecute and to kill (Mt 5:10-12, Mt 23:30-36, Lk 20:9-16, Mt 27:11-25, Act 7:51-53, Rev 21:8, 22:15, Jn 8:44).
According to John chapter 1, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God. Luke 8:11 said, “the seed is the word of God.” This seed is the seed of the spirit. But, the seed of the serpent, which is the word of the devil, entered Adam and Eve. Thus, the seed of the spirit of the Devil entered them. Those who are born of this seed are born of this spirit, and will die, like Adam, due to the wages of inherited sin.
The reason Jesus said those who lie are the Devil, is because they are born of the seed of lies. Those who were born through the seed of lies, which is the spirit of the Devil, then have the father of lies dwelling in them. Therefore, Jesus said in John 3, you must be born again through the seed and spirit of God in order to enter heaven.
I can’t help but laugh when I read the statement written by the Christian Counsel of Korea (CCK) and the Heresy Control Committee. I am reminded of an old saying that says, ‘the pot calls the kettle black’ (Mt 7:1-5). Who are they trying to deceive this time? Are they really going to carry out righteous judgment according to the Bible? It’s unbelievable. How can they carry out judgment according to the Bible when they don’t know the Bible?
They lied, because the spirit and the seed of lies are with them, and they will lie again. The United Church of Korea (UCK) has splintered from the CCK, and as soon as they split, I saw them speak a load of lies. Just as they have done in the past.
I ask the CCK and UCK, “When you split an apple in half, does one half become an apple and the other half a pear? Don’t they still have the same taste as an apple?”
Pastor Choi was appointed as the head of the Heresy Control Committee of the CCK; pastor Choi had been the president of the Heresy Control Committee while it was part of the united Presbyterian denomination under the control of the CCK. Thus, pastor Choi is from CCK, and he followed their direction. Is this not the same ingredients and therefore the same taste? Pastor Choi received bribery money, and president nominees gave bribery money in the CCK presidential election. So, if the money pastor Choi received was bribery, then is not the money the nominees gave bribery money too? Was it bread?  Speak with clear conscience! Isn’t this fruit from the same tree?
There was a person who was expelled from Shinchonji after saying, “one must eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Chairman of Shinchonji to be saved, and one must pray in the name of the Chairman.” He united with the CCK and together they hosted seminars in which they slandered Shinchonji. He also united with false pastors and created 14 lies about Shinchonji, which he gave to the MBC PD Note TV program. They aired this false and distorted story that was far from the truth (2007). However, the legal investigation found that this story was a lie, Shinchonji was found not guilty, and MBC PD Note had to air the correction and apology (2009).
This is the current status of the CCK and the UCK. They bought their authority with money, they oppress those that are labeled as heretics, and despise and treat them contemptuously. They have created a lie factory, and are producing lies. Is this Christianity? It is as if the CCK and UCK are competing to see who can produce more lies. It is a lie when they said 12 million* congregation members of Korea (*in their statement it said, “To the 12 million congregation members in Korea”); it is a lie when they said they will increase their number of congregation members to 20 million; it is a lie when they said they will have the largest church growth in church history, of 1 million. The truth is that the number of congregation members has decreased due to the corruption of CCK leadership.
There are countries in the world where 80 - 90% of the population is Christian. Why are they feeding lies? One divides into two, and then they call each other heretics. How could they keep lying and saying their interpretations are according to the Bible? You said it with your own mouth, calling each other heretics; the CCK and the UCK are the heresy of Korea. The people who don’t know the meaning of the Bible and don’t have the qualifications to judge, say they will carry out righteous judgments. It is truly hilarious. It will be your way of judgment!
According to the Bible, there is only one judge who received the white stone in Rev 2. How can anyone carry out righteous judgment if he doesn’t have the spirit or know the Bible? It is certain they will only act according to their doctrine of heresy. They are not the harvested good grain, they are not sealed, they don’t belong to the 12 tribes of the promised kingdom, and they have subtracted from Revelation. They do not even come to the open forum, but instead use their authority given by men to label someone as a heretic according to their lies. It is obvious that they will call anything that is not according to their doctrines heresy.
Shinchonji is not guilty of anything, why did you call it heresy? If there is anything wrong according the Bible, then say it. You have not said anything, nor have you answered even one of the 40 questions according to Scripture (questions given 10 years ago).
They have confined, assaulted and forced the conversion education on people. They have aggravated the runaways and divorces, and hospitalized people into mental institutions against their will. They did all these illegal activities, and yet they accuse Shinchonji. Do these despicable actions show orthodoxy, righteousness, love, and forgiveness?
If you (the Heresy Control Committee of the CCK) truly want to live a correct life of faith, let’s stand before the Bible and in front of the public and be judged to find out who the real heretics are. Can you do it? I have said this at every Shinchonji seminar.
The old, corrupted, and splintered CCK and their Heresy Control Committee say that Shinchonji is not part of Christianity. Let me ask you this, if people of faith who are harvested, sealed, part of 12 tribes, and are keeping the word of Lord without subtracting from it, are not Christians, then, are the people who make commentaries outside the contents of the Bible, preach another gospel, make arbitrary doctrines to domineer, have not been harvested, have not been sealed, and subtracted from revelation, are they Christians? Answer! The way we see it, the CCK is the most wicked organization since the beginning of creation. To let them know this, I told them to come to the open forum.
We never wished to have our faith recognized by the CCK. It is only God by whom we ought to be recognized. The CCK is like the priests and elders of Physical Israel who acted as if they owned the religious world, full of arrogance exceeding their authority. The CCK and the UCK’s standard of labeling others as heretics are only according to their standard, not God’s standard.
Your denomination, your title, your theology school, the doctrine, and your commission have been given by people who have been appointed through money, and not by God. Am I lying?
It is Shinchonji that received the food of eternal life in Rev 2, 3, 12, 10, 21, the authority to judge (the white stone), the iron scepter to rule all nations, the holy city from heaven, Jesus, Jesus’ throne, the new heaven and earth, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, the new song of the revealed word, and the holy spirit. It is not you who received it. If you have received these things, can you give the evidence of receiving them?
Shinchonji received these promised things from heaven, and you have made up things from the world. Are those things from heaven a heresy? We have never taken what is yours. Yours are the weeds left in the field, and what we have taken are the firstfruits born from the seed of God. Jesus sowed the good seed of God in his field; however, the devil came and sowed weeds in this field. Now, we have taken the good grain and left weeds (Mt 13). So, don’t the weeds listen to you, and good grains listen to us? Isn’t this true?
Why do you exceed your authority when you don’t have the food of eternal life, the spirit, the iron scepter to rule all nations, and the white stone to judge? Repent! For the kingdom of heaven is near. If in fact you are able to judge those who have a correct life of faith, using righteous scales, then you must attend the open forum. The CCK and the Heresy Control Committee are the heretics according to the Bible. If these words are hard to accept, then come and let’s discuss them, along with the Bible. Who are you to judge anyone? Aren’t you like the Pharisees, the brood of vipers who judged Jesus and his disciples (Mt 23)?
According to the Bible, today there is only one promised judge who received the white stone after overcoming, as recorded in Rev 2, 3, 12, 10. Repent and be obedient to the word.
How are you going to judge when you don’t have the word or the spirit? The spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God (1Co2:10). Have to search all things, even the deep things of God? How are you going to judge when you don’t have the spirit or the word, you have not been harvested, you have not been sealed, and you have subtracted from Revelation. Come, and begin to learn from the elementary truths of the word.
I have nothing else to say to you other than this.
Shinchonji is not Catholic or Protestant. It is the new heaven and new earth, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony that God and Jesus promised in the New Testament.
The promised true theology is the revealed word, the ‘new song,’ that only the saints, the promised 12 tribes, can learn, according to Rev 14. Is this wrong?


  1. We should listen and follow the words of God.

  2. Amen, Shincheoji is the only one place that God promised according to the Bible.
    Here, Shincheonji is the only place that God, Jesus, and the new Jerusalem are with.
    It is totally different from other place denominations.
