Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Shinchonji Incheon Open Bible Seminar

[Shinchonji Incheon Open Bible Seminar]
Incheon-Dowon gymnasium filled with a crowd who came to hear the Word of Shinchonji
Posted 6/29/2012 3:06:00 PM | Updated 2012-06-29 오후 3:06:54

Shinchonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shinchonji) announced that it will be holding a Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar at Incheon-Dowon gymnasium on the 11th and the 12th. Shinchonji has been actively hosting various activities to publicize the Open Bible Seminar through street promotions, “Por-por-por” dance performances, banners in cars and streetlamps, advertising on buses, banners on major buildings, passing out flyers and business cards, and flash mobs.

The upcoming Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar will cover four topics all believers must know, “The Signs of the Lord’s Second Coming and of the End of Age”, “The Tree of Life and The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”, “The Two Types of Seed and Harvest”, and “Revelation and Faith”.

Instructor Jin-Hyun Kim from the Incheon church of Shinchonji said, “Through this seminar many will be able to hear this new Word for the first time.” Regarding this Open Bible Seminar He also said, “This seminar is made up of contents all believers must know. We hope everyone will perceive the words of Jesus’ promise and have perfect faith, becoming believers who accept the Lord.”

Shinchonji Incheon church said regarding the Open Bible Seminar that, “This is a place that testifies to what has never happened before and will never happen again—the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation, God’s last work. It will testify to what was seen, heard, and was commanded to do, without adding anything to it or subtracting from it.” It also emphasized, “We are inviting all the famed doctors of divinity and pastors from all the churches in Korea. Through this opportunity, we hope this seminar will be a time of grace, perceiving the New Testament, Jesus’ words of promise.”

Also, a person related to Shinchonji said, “The gospel that began in the West came to the East, to Korea (“Energy of the West travelling to the East”), and as the time of fulfillment the prophecies of the Bible came, the gospel fulfilled in the East, in Korea, is now preached back to Europe (“Fulfillment of the East travelling to the West”).”

Chairman Man Hee Lee, lecturing at the location of the Shinchonji European Open Bible SeminarLast May in Europe, Shinchonji held a Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar, being in the spotlight of the European media by receiving much attention before returning. Many of the local media in Europe fought to cover the Word of Shinchonji and Chairman Man Hee Lee extensively during the 12 days of his European visit. After listening to the lecture by Shinchonji’s Chairman Man Hee Lee, the European pastors requested for him to come to their own denomination to hold a lecture there. Also, the local Christians who heard the lecture by Shinchonji’s Chairman Man Hee Lee bowed before him and touched his hand, being saddened by the departure.
On the other hand, on the 31st of last month at the Gan-Seuk Dong-lo Royal Hotel, the Incheon Citizens’ Cult Countermeasure Group of Incheon Christianity Assembly gathered to hold a secret press conference. Criticism made by this group was reported by many media outlets through this press conference. However, Christian organizations in the Incheon area such as this seem to be on high alert as Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar is being hosted in this region of Incheon just 10 days after this press conference and in the midst of persecution.
The upcoming Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar is hosted by the Open Bible Research Institution, and can be viewed live on through the Internet and through smartphones.


  1. He testified to what was seen, heard, without adding anything to it or subtracting from it.

  2. Come hear the testimony and verify through thr Bible!

  3. Wow!! must be something special in this seminar.
    I have to give close look at it.
