Saturday, July 20, 2013

23 John Paul II, and one in three adults will rise

23 John Paul II, 
              and one in three adults will rise

Francis Pope seemed to open canonization formally approved in December ...
Pope John Paul II, and John, 23 years of age will rise to the rank of adults.

The Vatican is the Pope, Francis 5 days (local time) for two people canonized (谥 圣) was officially approved, to discuss the canonization announced that it has convened a conclave.

The Catholic Church is not a martyr, with excellent virtues than two proven miracles if it is bolting into adulthood.
Section 1978 to the throne in 264 Pope John Paul II, who reigned 27 years last May 1, 2011 Costa Rica women healing practices was recognized as the second miracle.

Pope John Paul II in 2005 as Parkinson's disease and subsequent complications that one adenoma, but already in just six years and one month before the adult stage of the rank has been declared Blessed.

In general, a Catholic, even decades to be declared Blessed in the hundreds of years that it takes a long time considering the canonization of John Paul II beatified, is the unusually rapid.
Time beatified, John Paul II's first miracle of his tenure aldeon Parkinson's disease has been recognized that French nun cured.

From Poland to the former one in the most beloved Pope John Paul II who was 27 years before the tiara was Zen.
John XXIII from 1958 to 1963 during the reign convened the Second Vatican Council, and in 1963 Encyclical 'peace on earth' released a large footsteps left the Catholic Church.
Vatican officials and Pope John Paul II's canonization of John 23 years old this coming December 8 large divined likely to be held.

Feast day of the Catholic "Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception doesin 'Feast held this week, largely overlapping with canonization day.

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