Friday, February 22, 2013



Would you now know shinchonji exactly?

Today, I want to tell you about 'Two kinds of spiritual seeds'

The word regarding the seed in Mt 13:24-30 is the parable Jesus said what he had fulfilled in the First Coming and what he will fulfill in the Second Coming.
 -First, let us exam what was fulfilled in the First Coming.
God came to Jeremiah 2,600 years ago and said what He would fulfill in the future, the days are coming, when I will plant the kingdoms of Israel and Judah with the offspring of people and of animals (Jer 31:27).
After about 600 years from that time, God who prophesied to Jeremiah came to Jesus (Jn 1:32, Mt 3:16) and sowed the seeds (the offspring of people, good seeds) in the field (Israel) through Jesus, and also his enemy came and sowed weeds, the offspring of animals, in the same field.
This animal stands for the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, pastors.
Why are they animals? They are like animals, because they are ignorant pastors who don't know God, the Son of God, and the Word. (Pr 30:2-4, Is 56:10-12, Ma 23:33)

Jesus sowed good seeds, the seeds of God (Mt 13:24,27), the Pharisees and the teachers of the law sowed weeds, the seeds of devil (Mt 13:25,39).
What is the seed? The word of God is the seed of God (Lk 8:11), the word of devil is the seed of devil. The spirit sowed his seed through his pastor. The place where it is sewed is the mind of man in the church (Cor 3:9, 16).
It was the kingdoms of Israel and Judah (Jerusalem) the seeds were sowed at that time. Why did Jesus speak about the seed, the secrets of kingdom of heaven, in parables?
God prophesied in psalm that he would utter hidden things from of old in parables and send them to the next generation (Ps 78:2), after 1,000 years from that time, Jesus came and fulfilled the prophesy by telling the secrets of kingdom of heaven in parables (Mt 13:34-35).
 Another purpose that he spoke in parables is to hide the secrets from his enemy.

If you can't understand this parable, you can’t be forgiven and saved, and you will become an enemy. (Mt 13:1-13, Mk 4:10-13)
 It is the Second Coming, the time when those secrets are fulfilled, the secrets are no longer spoken figuratively (Jn 16:25, Cor 13-8-12).

There is no reason that the secrets are spoken in parable, because the entities of
prophesy appeared.

 -Next, let us exam the things in the future, in the Second Coming and the harvest.
The sown good seeds are to be the sons of the kingdom and the weeds are to be the sons of the evil one. (Mt 13:37-38)
The harvest is the end of the age, the harvesters are angels, and the sharp sickles in the angel’s hand are the saints who have the word of God. (Mt 13:37-40, Rv 14:14-20)

There are two kinds of people. One is the wheat-saints who have the seed of the word of God in their hearts. Another is the weed-converts who have the seed of the word of devil in their hearts.
First, the weeds are tied to be burned in the harvest.  (Mt 13:30)
Who ties them? Their pastors. Where are they tied? In their churches.
The tied ones are the sons of the devil who are born with the seed of the devil. (Mt 23:13), and those are to be thrown in the fire of hell (Mt 13:38-43).
And then, the wheat, the sons of God, are gathered into the barn of God, that is Mount Zion (Mt 13;30, Rv 14:1). Those are the people who are saved in the harvest.

As the word of Jesus, in the Second Coming, you have to believe the word of harvesters, the savers, and be harvested into the place where there is salvation, rather than listening to your pastor (Rv 14:1-4,14-16, Rv 1:3).


  1. This is a harvest time. I am so blessed to come to Shinchonji where there is a way, life, truth.
