Thursday, February 21, 2013

‘With Light, With Love’ Shinchonji Gwangju Peter Tribes Graduates 2623 Students

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The first fruits, harvested by the word of truth celebrated the Shinchonji Tribe of Peter Graduation Ceremony with the beautiful voice of heaven held at the, City of Light Gwangju, Yumju Gymnasium one month before celebrating Christmas.

Compared to the churches facing annual drop in their congregation members, the Shinchonji Church of Jesus, Tabernacle of Testimony seeing its energetic monthly growth just as the Bible mentions the tree of life, yielding its fruit every month.
I would like to share an article reporting the Shinchonji Peter Tribe Graduation Ceremony.

‘With Light, With Love’ Shinchonji Gwangju Peter Tribes Graduates 2623 Students
Reported by Myung-Sook Kim

The Shinchonji Gwangju Tribe of Peter Graduation Ceremony at the Gwangju Yumju Station on November 25th, one month before Christmas.
The Shinchonji Church of Jesus Tabernacle of Testimony (under Chairman Man-Hee Lee), the largest mission organization in the Republic of Korea, held its 'Zion Christian Mission Center 96th 2nd gen. Graduation Ceremony' on the 25th of November, (one month before Christmas) in the Gwangju Yumju Gymnasium with 2623 graduates. 

This graduation ceremony was the second event after the ceremony of 2535 graduates on the eight of January of this year and created 5158 graduates within a year. Also this day brought even more significance as the anniversary of creation of Gwangju/Cheonnam area Peter Tribe.

 The first fruits, harvested by the word of truth celebrated the Shinchonji Tribe of Peter Graduation Ceremony with the beautiful voice of heaven held at the, City of Light Gwangju, Yumju Gymnasium one month before celebrating Christmas.
Compared to the churches facing annual drop in their congregation members, the Shinchonji Church of Jesus, Tabernacle of Testimony seeing its energetic monthly growth just as the Bible mentions the tree of life, yielding its fruit every month.
I would like to share an article reporting the Shinchonji Peter Tribe Graduation Ceremony.

Shinchonji Tribe of Peter Graduation Ceremony,
the Graduation Ceremony of 2623 graduates at Gwangju, City of Light

On this day at the graduation ceremony, with the Chairman Man-Hee Lee, the Minister of Education of the General Assembly and 10,000 congregation members, there were many varieties of performances reproduced the magnificent and the beauty shown at the '6th World Peace Festival' on September held in Jamshil Olympic Stadium.

Chairman of the General Assembly of Shinchonji, Man-Hee Lee said "The word is life and also light, the people of City of Light must know the word of God" followed by "It is very disappointing, even if pastors minister, if they do not know the Bible, then they are living a life of faith outside the Bible."

"Can those who are not sealed be saved? Can they be saved because of their status as pastors or doctors? It is written that those who add or take away to and from the Book of Revelation, can not be saved. Yet when asked the question, 'are you sealed or did you not add or take away to and from the Book of Revelation?', the believers around the globe still answer that they are saved," pleaded Lee, the chairman of the General Assembly, to have faith in accordance with the Bible.

"Only those who belong to the twelves tribes of Mt. Zion, where twelve crops of fruits are yielded every month, are sealed by God," continued Lee. "Transcending the borders, religions, and ethnicities to heal all nations," said Lee and continued on to emphasize that "Instead of calling each other heresy, I hope we all become believers of faith who shine the truth to the world through love, obedience and the knowledge of the fulfillment of the prophecy."

At the recent graduation ceremony of the Tribe of Peter were diverse paintings and formative arts to help understand the Biblical harvest and the reason for such graduation ceremonies.
In the mean time, Shinchonji was falsely accused of encouraging runaway, divorce, and physical violence within families by MBC 'PD Note' in May and December of 2007. 

However, after the court of justice has put a thorough investigation, they delivered the final decision stating that "MBC PD Note has falsely accused Shinchonji without correct details" thus, requiring a correct and refutation release. Yet, after five years, the social discrimination against Shinchonji and the physical and the emotional damages, the false broadcast left still remain.

Nevertheless, Shinchonji shows rapid growth rate of 30~40 percent each year and the city of Gwangju and the pro vine of Jeollanamdo has issued more than 5000 graduates alone in this year. This is an undeniable fact that Shinchonji is the castle of truth which is anticipated to serve as the cornerstone for peace and the unification of the world. 

Nevertheless, Shinchonji shows rapid growth rate of 30~40 percent every year and with Gwangju, Jeollanamdo has issued of more than 5000 graduates alone in this year. This is an undeniable fact that Shinchonji is the castle of the truth, anticipated to serve as the cornerstone for the peace and unification of the world.
This Graduation Ceremony of Tribe of Peter has been aired online, through out entire Korea and the world, real time. Copyright to (c)Time News, prohibited for unauthorized reprinting or distribution. Reporter, Kim Myung Sook


  1. Replies
    1. Yes! Cause New testament has fulfilled according to the prophecy

  2. His sermon was surprised
    Do not believe it so amazing.

  3. Graduates they like that a lot. Just amazing.

  4. Xintiandi is broadcasting the sound of the last trumpet of heaven!
    It is the sound of the trumpet of the eternal kingdom of God to be done in this area to complete apocalypse era. .

  5. God's work is really amazing, it is clear

    1. Now we see face to face cause prophecy has fulfilled. That's why we believe in what he says.

  6. Forward the word of truth, a lot of people gathered yoo know the Bible is really amazing

  7. Lee Man-hee sky culture to preach the word of life, according to the promise made ​​by the moderator.
